Monday, November 12, 2007

Before the big move!

November 12th, 2007
I just got back from a vacation in Georgia to see Joel (my oldest brother) receive his first white coat of many. He's in medical school and we are all so, so proud of him! My Aunt Lisa, cousin Tracy and of course, my brother all live in the vicinity of each other there in Georgia. It's so nice to see all of my family and be together reminiscing about the past, but I think, when am I going to see them again. I hadn't really ever seen my Aunt Lisa's son for a couple years and I lived just in Indiana, then my cousin Amy was up from Florida and I hadn't ever seen her daughter of three. Anyway, it just made me think; when am I really going to see all these people again. I don't think I'll come home for Christmas this year because I will have just gotten out there a month prior. It's just made me think is all.

No matter I am still so excited to go out to New Mexico. I was reminiscing with my mom and Aunt Becky on the way back to Indiana in the car about my time while in Bible College at the Hungary Campus. I couldn't shut-up because of all the memories I have of just a short like 3 months or something.

-Such a good time though-

Talking about all the things the Lord did out there, setting me straight and teaching me things about Him that I wouldn't have anywhere else. It just reminded me of what my real purpose of moving to New Mexico is, to be about my Father's business. Just as the late great Kourtney Zahn once said, " it's not about Kourtney and Faith and following them on their coat-tails, it's not about New Mexico, it's about growing in the Lord." I think that was what he said, well something like that, I believe that was his ultimate point (haha). Which is so true, I know there are people out there that don't understand why I am moving, I hardly understand it myself. But I see it as an opportunity to go and possibly, hopefully, most likely.. do something for the Lord! Since getting out of Bible College I didn't think, oh I'll just be a leasing consultant and then work my way up the company. No, I did it for a job while I was waiting for something else to come along, something like this, actually I am pretty sure it will be a lot more than what I was thinking but it's great! This is just a path that I see the Lord wants of me, and who knows what will actually happen when I go out there. I might do something completely different than what I had planned but it's just a step.

I hope everyone the best in Indiana when I am gone ( I don't know how you will get by without me, but I'm sure you will manage...ahha!) And also, please do be praying for me, Faith, Kourtney, and of course the "visionary" church! Remember too you can always get a hold of me on my e-mail ( or send me a myspace message at

Thank you to those that actually even took the time to read this! God Bless you!

1 comment:

Lori said...

This is the start of the bigger journey the Lord has for you. I really enjoyed our time together this past weekend and I laughed so hard. That is always the best part. Hey Dutie!

Love, Mom