Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Beautiful Scriptures from the Book of Job

I wanted to also give out some of my favorite scriptures from the book of Job since this was my theme this past blog:

1:20 "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord."

4:5 "But now it comes upon you, and you are weary; It touches you, and you are troubled." I think here Eliphaz is saying, 'you know, you help and encourage everyone around you, now it happens to you and you have no hope'. Because in the next line, this is what Eliphaz believes that Job was hoping in. 
4:6 "Is not your reverence, your confidence? And the integrity of your ways your hope?" Elipaz believed that Job's reputation of reverence and integrity of the Lord was his hope and his salvation. I'm not really certain of that, but it's funny how your friends don't always give the best advice. Also going through this time, I have learned to speak with the Lord my troubles lately because sometimes friends get drained of your need to vent. Vent to the Lord, I have realized because of a million reasons that you already know of!

5:8 "But as for me, I would seek God, and to God I would commit my cause." Eliphaz does give some good advice and one of the million reasons you should talk to God about your issues. Because it says so in the Bible! 

5:17,18 "Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects; therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. For He bruises, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands make whole." I love the personal touch that this verse uses, 'His hands make whole', Which Job didn't know this at the time and it didn't happen yet, however, Jesus touches you with His hands that have been through it all-pierced for our transgressions! Not only did He do that but then He heals us with those same hands! 

6:11 "What strength do I have that I should hope?" Job has no strength, this whole chapter he's like whoa is me and this is why I love this book, he's so like me! Aww, man what strength do I have in myself, and God's like in your weakness I AM (is) strong- not you Job. 

7:17,18 "What is man that You should exalt him, that You should set Your heart on him, that You should visit him every morning and test him every moment?" Whoa! This verse is so powerful! Really think of God's heart for us and our heart for Him, whoa, scary. 

(Then Job says, "How long? Will You not look away from me, and let me alone till I swallow my saliva?" (v. 19) Job's just like, leave me alone, your love for me is too much, too hard! This reminds me of a story of a psalm 119:75 "I know, Oh Lord, that Your judgements are right and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me." I have a mind-blowing story about the first time I ever laid eyes on this scripture. While I was in Hungary there was a family there, missionaries going to the school. A husband and wife and two sweet, beautiful little girls. I think just the husband was going to the school, but he had some disease that flared up while he was attending. I mean this guy had brought his whole family to just sit at the feet of the Lord and learn and was just following the Lord's plan for his life. Well most of the semester had gone by and I had never seen the husband, just the wife with the two little ones. Of course, I heard what was going on, we would pray for him all the time as a school body. But I would just see this wife and two children everyday come and get each meal and not seem to be too bothered most of the time. All the while, the husband is in this Hungarian Hospital on his literal death bed, in a Hungarian Hospital none the less. I mean if you have been to a Hungarian Hospital it is most definitely like the movies, like you would not even want to drink out of the water fountain, it seemed so dirty. Anyway, day in and day out this women and two children just keep going on with their lives, seemingly untouched. I mean honestly every once in a while I would see the older women of the college gathering around her and praying for her or just speaking with her and I saw her cry and the children would ask if their father was coming home soon, etc. Really though most of the time it was pretty normal. So then one day when the whole school was gathered for morning devotions or something this man gets up to talk and he was so skinny and frail. He looked like he was way older than he probably was and just sickly. He spoke of being in the hospital and of his disease and really that he was dying. He talked about how he was speaking to the Lord and said that he wanted to see his girls get married and grow up. He wanted to keep living, then he pulls out this scripture. He says, the Lord gave him this scripture for such a time as this, "I know, Oh Lord, that your judgements are right. And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me." I remember specifically that he said, if God were not faithful to me then He would not afflict me, if God did not love me then He would have not afflicted me, He would be unfaithful and unloving if He hadn't. Wow. That is all the Lord's strength and none of His own! How faithful has God been to you lately, how loving?)

I have many a more scriptures underlined in the book of Job, but I feel maybe this is enough to get my love for the book across! Also, I wanted to say that the Lord has blessed me with an awesome computer and I am going to be writing something every single week, for real this time, also with pictures!!! 

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