Monday, December 17, 2007


Hello all!
So yeah just got here...hah. jk I have been here in Albuquerque for about two or three weeks. Somewhere around there. I am definatly homesick, mainly because of the holidays and what-not, but it's true. I will be spending Christmas with my family though in Colorado. My dad, step-mom, aunt, and my cousin Kim whom I haven't seen in about 3 years maybe more. It's good and I am excited to see them.
Anyway, I have started my new job as a leasing consultant. Moved into my new apartment and have pretty much got everything squared away. Currently, I am looking for a new job however...hah...and a new place to live.
I just am in not a great neighborhood and although I completely believe that we as a staff does everything that we can to keep crime down, it's just not a good part of town. More than anything I think that I am just not used to it and it's really not anyone's fault, I just haven't been in this particular circumstance before. But the Lord is always faithful and teaching me something all the time. I dont know if He wants me to get another job right now or not but I am still looking and I will find out. I was just so so spoiled at Foxfire, while I worked there, we always had a good time with everything and we worked hard to get our work out of the way so that we could have fun. At this particular community we are a little under staffed and I was not at all used to doing eighteen things at once while talking on the phone to a prospect, literally this is how it is. I "kicked against the goades" a little bit at first, one might say. I would be like well at my other property this isnt the way we did it and my manager got sick of me saying that and so I try not to compare anymore. They are about as opposite properties as you can get and I just need to act like I am working in a different field or something.
Enough about that stuff, that's just how I make my money. But the cool stuff is that I put in an application to become a leader at the Calvary of Albuquerque's Velocity group. Which is where Kourtney Zahn hesassistant pastor for,it's their middle school group. So that is fun and I really like the kids, they all have so much more spunky style then I even do in my little finger, so yeah a lot..ha! I am meeting a lot of people and they are all really cool. So many of them want to come move to Colorado and help with the church it's crazy! It's crazy too,to think about us seriously moving to Boulder, CO and really starting a real live church. WE all feel completely ill equipped but that's how you are supposed to feel right...hah. Well that is pretty much it! Please feel free to e-mail me and ask me anything that you are wondering or whatever. Even more feel free to pray for these things listed below:
One thing that is on the top of my prayer list is ...Jeremiah and Serah Hurt- I guess they are moving to Peru. I dont know a lot about it but I know that it definatly needs prayer!
For Faith Zahn- She is having such a hard time being here for the holidays instead of going home to Indiana. Because of circumstances she wasn't able to go home and she's haveing a rough time, I believe she will be going to Denver though so she can see some of her family but of course it wont be the same being the first x-mas without her indiana family.
For my mom Lori Earley- She is having back surgery coming up in January. It's pretty major surgery and she will be out for a few months. I feel absolutly horrible that I cant be there for her so please pray for me too :( Pray for quick recovery and as less pain as possible!
The Lord has been so awesome in my provisions for coming out here. He definatly see's the big picture and I just follow along and let Him guide me. It's so cool to see how things work out and think of them after the fact!
Praise Him for all He has done for us this Christmas season. And invite Him into your lives also, He is the reason for the season and it's His birthday so please enjoy the things that you are given with Thanks and Praise to our savior, JESUS CHRIST!


Faith Zahn said...

Awesome post! Thanks for praying for me! I know it's hard for you too!

Faith Zahn said...

I think it's time for an update!!!